OUR Programs


Protecting the Most Vulnerable

Our initiatives support women and children who have experienced neglect, violence, exploitation, and physical and/or sexual abuse. We support the right of all women and children to survive and thrive, living up to their fullest potentials, especially children with disabilities. Our advocacy activities focus on the following areas:

Child Protection

For communities to create and maintain a protective environment for children, communities’ child protection actors must work together to form partnerships and build capacity in those who need it. Strengthening community-based child protective services takes training, mentorship, and supportive supervision, as well as cooperation among community-based child protection networks, health facilities, and relevant government entities. Psychosocial support, effective management of child-friendly spaces, child protection in emergency situations, strong referral systems, and specific training for child protection committees all make for strong, sustainable programs.

Empowering Families in Zambia

Just as it makes little sense to hospitalize individuals without first evaluating and treating their conditions, A2HealthZ does not assume that sending children who have lost a parent or two to an orphanage should be the default procedure. Under the Kusamala project for GHR Foundation, A2HealthZ is working with government social welfare agencies to strengthen their capacity to protect and empower families and communities to protect and nurture their children, to prevent child separation, and to restore children to their families and communities if they have been separated. The spirit of compassion that grounds the project is embodied in its name (“to care for” in Nyanja). We have trained hundreds of health facility staff and neighborhood health committees to recognize child protection issues and to utilize best-practice child protection and alternative care methods. A2HealthZ  is also establishing family support groups and village savings and loan associations to further support the families and communities.

Children with disabilities 

Children with disabilities (CWDs) represent one of Zambia’s most vulnerable and underserved groups. A2HealthZ is committed to empowering and strengthening CWDs and their families as part of its impact areas. Collaborating with health professionals, community caregivers, and parents, A2HealthZ provides guidance and support while closely monitoring CWDs’ growth, hemoglobin levels, and feeding. In partnership with the SPOON Foundation, this collaboration ensures proper guidance and referrals for parents in caring for their children. Furthermore, community caregivers conduct case management in the targeted communities, imparting essential skills such as basic physiotherapy, feeding techniques, positioning, communication, and toileting. They also deliver messages on CWDs’ rights and work towards reducing stigma. Additionally, parents and their CWDs are invited to participate in play therapy sessions and cooking demonstrations.

Preventing Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

Violence against women and girls is a major public health problem and a violation of women’s human rights. Over their lifetime, a substantial portion of the world’s women have experienced intimate partner violence, either physical, sexual, or non-partner sexual violence.