OUR Programs


Improving Access to Better Nutrition

A2HealthZ has supported thousands of people in Zambia through nutrition initiatives developed to enhance health, prevent illness, and extend lifespans.

Nutritional inadequacies and malnutrition can have profoundly detrimental consequences for both children and adults. Stunting and anaemia are both common nutritional disorders. A child with stunting is more likely to suffer from malnutrition. And anaemia, which is caused by iron deficiencies, contributes significantly to maternal death.

Nutrition is a critical part of health and development.

Our proven approach is grounded in a synthesis of global best practices and insights from our local experience. Our nutrition initiatives encompass a combination of preventive and therapeutic approaches, implemented in households and healthcare facilities, such as: 

  • Optimal breastfeeding during the first six months.
  • Complementary feeding starting at six months with continued breastfeeding to two years of age and beyond.
  • Nutritional care for sick and severely malnourished children.
  • Prevention of vitamin A deficiency.
  • Adequate intake of iron and folic acid for the prevention and control of anemia.

Within every community, health agents and technical teams work in cooperation to formulate plans aimed at enhancing community members dietary patterns and nutritional intake. This, in turn, lowers the likelihood of maternal and child malnutrition and anaemia. Through home visits and the guidance of mentor mothers, women are educated and motivated to adopt the recommended practices. Health agents also encourage households practicing good nutrition and food safety practices to share their knowledge with others.