A2HealthZ believes the HIV/AIDS epidemic demands an accelerated, innovative, and flexible response grounded in safe, quality education for all, especially girls.
Zambia has made significant strides in its HIV response over the past decade, evident in the reduction of annual HIV incidence and fewer new infections among children. Despite this progress, challenges persist, with a high overall HIV burden and notable gaps in young women and children’s services. To address these issues, targeted interventions for young women and intensified efforts in paediatric HIV care are crucial. Continued investment in comprehensive HIV programmes, along with addressing social determinants, will contribute to sustaining and improving Zambia’s progress in the fight against HIV.
Increased access to antiretroviral therapy and to services to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV can dramatically drive down the rate of new infections and virtually eliminate them in babies and children. A2HealthZ’s prevention activities are committed to achieving an AIDS-free generation through initiatives such as:
- Provide community case management
- Conducting index testing
- Sensitising communities on SRHR
- Referring and linking community members to health facilities and services
- Referring and linking community members to health facilities and services
A2HealthZ has been working toward the end of the HIV epidemic since its beginnings in Zambia.