News & Stories

Programme areas

Find our latest news, stories and upcoming activities here.

Healthier Lives for Mothers and Children

Despite significant advancements in Zambia’s healthcare, children remain at risk. Guided by our mission, our strategy places equal emphasis on …

Increasing Access to Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities

Robust healthcare systems play a vital role in managing healthcare emergencies and addressing persistent health challenges within the communities we …

Medical Donation Programme

A2HealthZ and CMMB Inc. facilitate the supply and national distribution of high-quality donated medicines and medical supplies from partners in …

Clean Water for Healthier Lives

The foundation of good health is established through access to clean water. Every year, hundreds of thousands of women and …

Improving Access to Better Nutrition

A2HealthZ has supported thousands of people in Zambia through nutrition initiatives developed to enhance health, prevent illness, and extend lifespans. …

Achieving an AIDS-Free Generation

A2HealthZ believes the HIV/AIDS epidemic demands an accelerated, innovative, and flexible response grounded in safe, quality education for all, especially …