


WHERE: Mpulungu, Chilubi, Senga, Mbala, Mungwi, and Kasama, Northern Province
To prevent SGBV by challenging and changing beliefs, attitudes and practices and by increasing survivors’ access to and use of compressive support services
FUNDING PARTNER: European Union, through World Vision Zambia European Union, through World Vision Zambia
IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS: Sports in Action; Women and Law in Southern Africa; BBC Media Action; and Childline/Lifeline Zambia.
WHAT: The EU P!SGBV addressed SGBV risk factors by empowering community members to become Champions of Change with skills, knowledge, and resources to serve as role models. Champions of Change promoted and advocated for equitable, respectful, and healthy gender relationships in families and communities. The Project achieved its goal to prevent SGBV by challenging and changing beliefs, attitudes, and practices and by increasing survivors’ access to, and use of, compressive support services. During the project, 397,689 people were reached through community mobilisation and sensitisation on SGVB and 51,042 adolescent boys and young people aged 12-24 participated in sessions on the Young Men as Equal Partners (YMEP) methodology, among others.
-455 children and you people were trained as Champions of Change
-774 principals, teachers and out-of-school facilitators were trained to deliver the Government’s Comprehensive Sexuality Education and life skills curriculums
-199.552 children and young people aged 7-24 both in and out-of-school received comprehensive sexuality education
-300 community members were trained in the SASA! Methodology
-397.689 people were reached through community mobilisation on SGVB
-223 sport leaders were trained in the Young Men as Equal Partners (YMEP) methodology
-51.042 adolescent boys and young people aged 12-24 were reached with YMEP sessions on SGBV